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Companies that support us on our mission include


NobleAI is dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence research and applications, with a mission to create innovative solutions that address complex challenges across industries through the power of machine learning and data science.


ZeroEyes is an AI startup focused on developing intelligent video analytics solutions, particularly in the realm of security, to detect and prevent potential threats using advanced visual recognition technologies.


Akkio specializes in providing AI-driven automation solutions for businesses, with a focus on streamlining and optimizing various processes through the use of machine learning and predictive analytics.

Concentric AI

Concentric AI is focused on developing AI solutions for cybersecurity, leveraging advanced algorithms to detect and mitigate potential threats, enhancing the overall security posture of organizations.


At xAI, our goal is to forge AI tools, such as the continually refined Grok, to aid humanity in its relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

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